Meet Our Members
Portland, Maine
Kindling Collective
Portland, Maine
Casco Bay High School
Portland, Maine
Rockland, Maine
The Summer Camp
Readfield, Maine
Teens to Trails
Brunswick, Maine
Maine Environmental Education Association
Brunswick, Maine
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Augusta, Maine
Ecology Learning Center
Unity, Maine
Somali Bantu Community Association
Lewiston, ME
Maranacook Community Middle School
Readfield, Maine
Queerly ME
Portland, Maine
Sailing Ships Maine
Portland, Maine
Maine Afro Yoga Project
South Portland, Maine
Augusta Parks and Recreation
Augusta, Maine
Nature Based Education Consortium
The Third Place
Portland, Maine
Bowdoin Upward Bound
Brunswick, Maine
Maine Association of New Americans
Portland, Maine
Midcoast Youth Center
Bath, Maine
Campfire Institute, Inc.
Westbrook, Maine
Baxter Academy for Technology and Science
Portland, Maine
Khmer Maine
Portland, Maine
North Haven Community School
North Haven, Maine
Maine Department of Corrections
Augusta, Maine
Maine Academy of Natural Sciences
Hinckley, Maine
South Portland Middle School
South Portland, Maine
Juneteenth Downeast
Lamoine, Maine
Morse High School
Bath, Maine
Wild North Counseling
Bridgton, Maine
Apogee Adventures
Brunswick, Maine
Adaptive Outdoor Education Center
Carrabassett Valley, Maine
Brunswick Junior High School
Brunswick, Maine
Mountain Valley High School
Rumford, Maine